Children with Disabilities Service – including short breaks and the Local Offer

We want all young people to have the opportunity to spend time with other children and young people socialising and doing having fun, giving their families a break while providing them with the peace of mind that their child is well supported and safe, and there are lots of short breaks in the community that children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities can have a chance to try.

Disabled children's social care

These schemes have trained and experienced workers, and they include a wide variety of activities such as evening, weekend and school holiday clubs, with activities ranging from safe cycling groups and canoeing, to computers skills and much more!

The best place to find more information, advice and guidance about what is available in your local area is the new Birmingham City Council Local Offer website.

If you have already visitied the Local Offer website and require information from Birmingham Children's Trust, please read the information below the link. 


If you feel you may require more intensive support, our Children with Disabilities Service is there for families who are caring for a child (0-18) with substantial, complex and/or critical needs.

Once assessed by the Trust and found to have eligible needs that meets our thresholds, then depending upon priority and availability the following kinds of services may be put in place.

For details of the full range of short breaks services commissioned by the Trust please view our Short Breaks Statement (last updated November 2023). 

Contact details

Monday to Thursday: 8:45am to 5:15pm
Friday: 8:45am to 4:15pm
Phone: 0121 303 1888

Emergency out-of-hours:
Phone: 0121 675 4806