Let us know if you’re looking after someone else’s child
Private Fostering resources for professionals
In order to increase awareness of Private Fostering, we have uploaded a number of resources explaining exactly what it is, and how to make them aware of any ongoing arrangements.
To ensure these resources reach as many people as possible, Birmingham Safeguarding Children Partnership requests that you disseminate these resources across your organisations, particularly to those who are in frontline practice and visit family homes. Specifically, we would ask that you download the posters and place them in office and public spaces to raise awareness amongst professionals and the public.
Like many areas, we strongly believe that more children are being private fostered in our city than have been identified and notified to the Trust and whilst children in such circumstances are there as a result of a private arrangement made by parents in most cases, we all have a responsibility to make sure they are supported and their welfare is safeguarded.
Awareness resources
Top tips and ‘Private Fostering in Birmingham: Everyone’s responsibility’ webinar
Refresh your knowledge of Private Fostering with top tips and a webinar presented by Trust leaders Graham Tilby (Assistant Director, Safeguarding) and Kim Smith (Assistant Head of Service, Family and Friends Service)
Downloadable A4 publicity posters
Set of posters including core information on what Private Fostering is and who to contact about it.
Private Fostering 7-minute briefing
A bite-sized overview of Private Fostering, perfect for sharing in team meetings. Colleagues can either watch the video version, or download the slides.