Children in Care Council and Care Leavers Forum

Did you know that In Birmingham we have a Children in Care Council and a Care Leavers Forum?

Both groups meet regularly and their role is to improve children and young people in care as well as care leaver’s experiences.

You don’t need to disclose anything personal about why you may be in care.

All you need to be able to do is commit to attending meetings and work with others to improve things for children in care and/or care leavers.

  • You might have something to say about your reviews and how you think they could be managed differently?
  • You may have ideas about improving your Personal Education Plan (PEP)?
  • Maybe you’re unhappy about something in particular, OR, you have an idea that you think could really improve things?

So far our Children in Care Council and Care Leavers Forum have challenged and improved pocket money allowances.

They are working with the Independent Reviewing Service to improve reviews, they meet regularly with senior managers and have presented at local, regional and national events.

This is an opportunity to make new friends. Also, being part of something that is so important will look brilliantly on your CV.

We can support you to chair meetings, to sit on interview panels, we offer training and you might find yourself (if you want to!) speaking in front of a 100 social workers.

How to apply

If you would like to apply to join either group please ring 0121 303 7217


Email us 

There is genuinely a role for everyone

Download our Children in Care Council and Care Leavers Forum leaflet