Rights and Participation
The Rights and Participation Advocacy Service is here for the representation of children and young people’s wishes and feelings, their views, their voice.
The advocate shares the young person views on their behalf or supports them to represent their own views.
- Advocacy is ALWAYS led by the child or young person.
We aim to ensure that Birmingham children in care, care leavers and children on child protection plans (wherever they may live,) have access to children’s rights and an advocacy service that supports children and young people’s voices.
So for example an advocate supports children and young people regards any issues around their care plan/pathway plan, leaving care. We also support Children In Need where they wish to make a complaint.
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) 1989, states: “Article 12 – Children have the right to say what they think should happen when adults are making decisions that affect them, and to have their opinions taken into account.”
How to make a referral to our Advocacy Service
We have a referral form hosted on our website. Please complete all questions and submit. The link is below: