Support for residential settings

How to access weekly testing kits

(First issued 11 December 2020)

Letter sent to children’s home and Supported accommodation managers

We are keen to offer regular weekly Covid-19 testing to staff, children and young people in our children’s homes and supported accommodation, so that any cases can be picked up at the earliest opportunity. This will help to reduce the spread of Covid-19 within our homes.

There isn’t currently a national programme in place for this so we have agreed with our Director of Public Health for Birmingham that all staff and children can access the national testing programme through the NHS. To do this you will need to visit: to order a test kit.

You will need to answer No to the first three questions:

  • Does the person have symptoms? Answer No
  • Are they an essential worker? Answer No
  • Part of a trial or pilot project? Answer No

Then on the fourth page tick the box for 'My local council has asked me'.

Why are you asking for a test?

  • I've been told to get another coronavirus test
  • I'm ordering for someone I live with who has coronavirus symptoms
  • My local council or health protection team has asked me (or someone I live with) to get a test, even though I do not have symptoms (TICK THIS ONE)
  • I'm part of the National Tactical Response Group (NTRG), or someone I live with is
  • None of the above

Then continue to complete the form for each individual in the home. A separate form will need to be completed for each individual. Members of staff can request their own weekly test. This will need to be done every week until we have an alternative solution.

This service is only available for staff and children in the homes, it should not be used for any other purposes.

Everyone should receive their own test result. If it is positive for Covid-19 then they must start isolating immediately with their household, inform their manager and follow the Test and Trace guidance.

There is financial support for individuals who have to isolate and are on a low income.

Please visit the city council's test and trace support page on their website for more details.

This weekly test does not replace the need for anyone who develops symptoms of Covid19 to get tested through the normal route, even if they did a routine test very recently. Anyone with symptoms must immediately isolate at home and get tested.

Accompanying this letter is the guidance we issued to homes recently, detailing what to do if you have a positive Covid19 case.

Please note, this service is in addition to the DfE 10 test kits that Ofsted registered children’s homes need to register for. These should only be used for individuals with symptoms who cannot access a test quickly.

Yours sincerely

Dr Justin Varney

Director of Public Health



Lisa Jamieson

Assistant Director – Birmingham Children’s Trust