Can you help Birmingham care leavers to have an extra-special Christmas?

Published: 25th Nov 2022

Read this article to find out how YOU can make Christmas Day memorable for Birmingham care leavers, who may otherwise be alone...

For many, Christmas Day is a time for celebration with family and friends but for some it can be a time of isolation and loneliness.

This year Donate1Create1, in partnership with Bfriends Charity (Friends of Birmingham Children's Trust), and Birmingham Children’s Trust, have joined forces to support young people this Christmas who would otherwise be alone, by hosting the first Brum Community Christmas event.

Birmingham care leavers who attend the event on Christmas Day will share a hot Christmas dinner together, take part in festive activities and take home some presents.

Sam Richards, Co-Founder of Donate1Create1, said: “At this time of year we are surrounded by images of happy families bursting with love and laughter but sadly this isn’t the reality for everyone. Brum Community Christmas is about coming together to change that reality for our care leavers across the city. It’s driven by local people and organisations working in partnership with local authority to create a Christmas Day that our young people and families truly deserve .

It has been amazing to witness what can be achieved with a small group of people who have a passion to make a difference . None of our care leavers should be left to feel alone or isolated, especially at a time of year that is all about family and coming together. Brum Community Christmas is a family and we will make sure that Christmas Day will always be special day for our care leavers in Birmingham."

The event, which is being funded through donations and ran by volunteers, has been supported by BrumXmasDinner, the organisation that has traditionally held the annual event.

Lee Yale Helms, Co-Chair of Bfriends Charity and Director of Finance and Resources at Birmingham Children’s Trust, said: “It’s important that young people don’t feel isolated, and Christmas Day can be a very lonely time if you are on your own.

“We are extremely grateful to our community partners who want to help provide a special day for our care leavers. We are also asking businesses and individuals if they can afford to donate, it would make a huge difference to our young people.”

Here’s how your donation could help:

  • For £50 you could support a young person to have a fantastic three course Christmas Dinner and a voucher for them to buy food.
  • For £25 you could give a bag of Christmas treats and food for the young people to leave with on the day. 
  • For £10 you could give some extra special toiletries to the young people attending.

Any amount you can afford to give will make a huge difference. 

Visit the official Brum Community Christmas fundraising page to make a donation.

We thank you for all of your support and wish you all a Merry Christmas.