Private Fostering webinar - information for professionals

Published: 26th Feb 2021

Watch our new Private Fostering webinar and find out more about Private Fostering.

Getting it right for privately fostered children is everyone’s responsibility. This webinar will help you to recognise cases of private fostering and do you know how to respond.

What is private fostering?

Private fostering is when a child under the age of 16 (under 18 if they have a disability) is cared for by someone who is not their parent or a close relative for 28 days or more. This is a private arrangement made between a parent and the child’s carer.

Close relatives are:

  • step-parents
  • grandparents
  • brothers and sisters
  • uncles or aunts (whether by birth/adoption or marriage/civil partnership)

Great aunts/uncles, cousins and family friends are not considered to be close relatives and would need to be assessed as a private fostering arrangement.

Watch the webinar

Private fostering in Birmingham: everyone’s responsibility (Feb 2021) from Birmingham Children's Trust on Vimeo.


Find out more about private Fostering in Birmingham

If you think a child in Birmingham is being privately fostered, you must contact Birmingham Children’s Trust.

If you are not sure, please contact us anyway and we can talk it through. You can also contact our Family and Friends team for general advice of information about Private Fostering.

Contact Family and Friends team

If you have a referral for a specific child who you think is being privately fostered please contact our Children's Advice and Support Service (CASS).

Contact CASS

Emergency out-of-hours

  • Telephone: 0121 675 4806