Fostering and Family Based Care (FFBC) guide for professionals

What support is available?

What support is available to children being supported to move to fostering or family based care through this project?

In short, any support Trust wide the child is eligible for!

This includes (non-exhaustive):

  1. TESS - Practice Guidance (
  2. FTB- Practice Guidance (
  3. Families Together Plus (supporting reunification)
  4. Multi Systemic Therapy - MST Presentation Stronger Families (20 September 22) | Childrens trust (
  5. Family Support (Stronger Families) – [for Children in Care]

What support is available to (new) carers?

Clinical time is built into Birmingham Children's Trust's BERRI subscription. This includes a clinician reviewing each child's BERRI data and identifying potential step-down candidates from this, as well as identifying needs and / or support that could be provided to decrease need and achieve step-downs. There are BERRI psychology led step-down-focused consultations available which can be with the child’s social worker, current residential care provider and any other professional. This can include attendance at care planning, matching, transition planning and children in care review, but can also include support and advice beyond placement to carers.

The Trust fostering service already has a specific ‘Step Down’ from residential enhanced foster carer recruitment scheme. These carers have additional specialist training and support, and on-call advice and guidance [Types Of Fostering | About Fostering | Foster Birmingham]. Many external Independent Fostering Agencies will have similar offers. The Trust is committed, where there is a gap in support or training, to exploring the provision of this support to IFA carers, where required, so as not to jeopardise the opportunity of agreeing or sustaining the fostering or family based care placement.