Family Drug and Alcohol Court - Information for families

What is the Family Drug and Alcohol Court (FDAC)?

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The Birmingham and Solihull Family Drug and Alcohol Court (FDAC) is an alternative court model for care proceedings. It helps families where substance misuse is a problem and this puts the children at risk.

  • The FDAC court is different from other courts. It is all about trying to solve the problems that have led the local authority to bring you to court.
  • To do this, the same Judge reviews your child’s case every fortnight. At these regular, informal hearings you get a chance to speak to the judge directly.
  • There is a team of workers who are independent from the local authority who support the Judge and help you and your family with specialist treatment.
  • Parents who join FDAC are given what we call ‘a trial for change’. This is work with the team and with other services that gives you the best possible chance to overcome your problems.
  • At the same time FDAC tests whether you can make enough change quickly enough for what your child or children need.
  • We find that most parents welcome this chance to prove themselves. It also gets parents and professionals working together in a way that means everyone is clear about what must be done, when and why.